Positive Computing: Technology for wellbeing and human potential Positive Computing from MIT Press was written by engineer and designer team, Prof Rafael Calvo (Imperial College London) and Dr Dorian Peters (University of Cambridge). Positive Computing is also available in: Chinese (正版包邮积极计算), | Japanese (ウェルビーイングの設計論) | Korean (긍정컴퓨팅). Praise for Positive Computing
"Positive Computing lays a solid theoretical foundation for designers of the next generation of user interfaces who will shape positive user experiences. It goes deeply into familiar territory of motivation, engagement, and flow, then all the way to mindfulness, empathy, and compassion." Ben Shneiderman - Distinguished University Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park "Few people think of technology as uplifting, delightful, and enjoyable. Sure, our stuff works, but far too often at the cost of increased anxiety, frustration, and a feeling of disempowerment. In Positive Computing, Calvo and Peters show how research in the psychological principles of enjoyment, engagement, and empowerment can be used to design technology that enhances our lives, creates more engagement and pleasure, and makes positive contributions to our emotional lives. Three cheers to Calvo and Peters for Positive Computing: It's about time." Don Norman - Director of the Design at UC San Diego Program; author of Emotional Design and The Design of Everyday Things "Positive Computing by Rafael Calvo and Dorian Peters is a deep exploration of the theory, psychology, analysis, and passion around using computing to make a positive influence on the world. Every graduate student studying this new, multidisciplinary field should have a copy at his or her fingertips. Calvo and Peters leave no stone unturned in discussing the many facets around positive computing, and have sought out the broadest set of references. The book was written in an engaging and practical manner and was a pleasure to read. I know I will go back to my copy again and again for useful insights." Mary Czerwinski - Research Manager of the Visualization and Interaction (VIBE) Research Group, Microsoft Research" "This book is an important contribution, providing excellent background on a complex emerging area that promises to be very significant from both a societal and scientific perspective." Steve Whittaker - Professor of Human Computer Interaction, UC Santa Cruz "It's a call to action that Calvo and Peters are delivering to a wider audience, not just the innovators working under the shadows of Hangar One. And they are delivering it at a time when technologists have a big opportunity to rethink their approach to design. A new era of computing—wearable, integrated, ubiquitous—is fast approaching. Will it be good or bad for our wellness? If you believe in human agency, then the call to action is real. There's no time like today to plan for a future in which we can thrive, and not be the victims of our own design." Giovanni Rodriguez, Forbes Comments are closed.